China’s Cold Room Machines: Making Cold Chains Better and Greener

The development trend of China’s cold room machinery is mainly focused on intelligence, greening, and high efficiency. With the advancement of technology, modern cold rooms have adopted advanced refrigeration systems and automated equipment, such as remote monitoring systems, intelligent control systems, and cold chain monitoring systems, etc. Today, let’s understand more about it.

Digital Cold Storage Systems

Digital cold storage systems are based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology, incorporating automated management hardware such as RFID electronic tags, video monitoring, and data exchange gateways, in conjunction with the enterprise’s existing ERP or specialized cold storage inventory management software.

This setup allows for remote monitoring and setting of parameters such as cold storage temperature, access control, and energy consumption. The system can monitor the air temperature and humidity inside the cold storage in real-time and automatically control ventilation equipment based on preset thresholds to ensure a stable environment.

Furthermore, the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system also plays a significant role in automated cold storage. PLCs can receive temperature sensor signals and adjust them according to preset temperature ranges. They can control the operation and status of equipment within the cold storage, such as compressors, fans, and access control systems, achieving automated control of cold storage equipment. PLCs can monitor various parameters inside the cold storage, such as temperature, humidity, and access control status, and issue timely alarm signals in case of abnormal conditions.

Overall, digital cold storage systems improve management efficiency and reduce losses and costs.

Intelligent Control Systems

A smart cold room refers to a modern cold storage facility that utilizes advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to achieve real-time monitoring, intelligent scheduling, and optimized management of cold room facilities, equipment, goods, and personnel.

It has the following characteristics:

  1. High Level of Automation: Smart cold rooms introduce automated equipment and technology, such as automated warehousing systems, autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs), and intelligent shelving, to reduce labor costs and improve work efficiency.
  2. Data Analysis and Decision Support: Real-time collection of data such as temperature, humidity, and gas concentration inside the cold room, uploaded to the cloud for analysis, provides a strong basis for decision-making.
  3. Intelligent Goods Scheduling: The use of big data and artificial intelligence technology for intelligent scheduling of goods in the cold room, to improve the speed of goods entering and leaving the storage and increase inventory turnover.
  4. Energy Saving and Environmental Protection: The use of intelligent monitoring systems to achieve rational use of energy, reduce energy consumption, and decrease environmental impact.
  5. Remote Management and Monitoring: With the help of the smart cold room platform, enterprises can view various data and monitoring images inside the cold room in real-time, achieving remote management, remote operations, and emergency handling.

Cold Chain Monitoring System

A cold room cold chain monitoring system primarily consists of sensor collectors, wireless terminals, and a monitoring software platform. It is capable of real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels within the cold room, as well as data collection and alarms through sensors.

  • Sensor Collectors: Used for real-time monitoring of key parameters such as temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide within the cold room.
  • Wireless Terminals: Transmit the data collected by the sensors to the monitoring center via a wireless network.
  • Monitoring Software Platform: At the monitoring center, users can view real-time data and conduct data analysis and processing through the software platform.

The system has three technical advantages. First, it uses high-precision sensors with a wide temperature measurement range (-50 to 90°C) and an accuracy of up to 0.1°C, ensuring the accuracy of the data. Second, the system is modularly designed, making it easy to expand and maintain. Each cold room can be equipped with multiple multifunctional collectors, allowing for the addition of monitoring points at any time without altering the existing monitoring system. Third, technologies such as ultra-wideband intelligent tag positioning, RFID positioning, and WSN positioning are used to achieve low-power networking, extending the service life of the equipment.

China‘s Cold Room Storage Goods

China’s cold room machinery is leading the development of the global cold chain industry with its outstanding performance and innovative technology. In the future, with the advancement of technology and the evolution of societal demands, China’s cold room machinery industry will continue to explore and provide global customers with more intelligent, efficient, and environmentally friendly cold chain solutions, propelling the global cold chain industry to a higher level.

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